Enjoy Season 2 Episode 14


  • Welcome – jump
  • Co-host Kelley – jump
  • Next Three Shows – jump
  • Sept Customer Share-a-thons – jump
  • 2019 OE Share-a-thon – jump
  • OE Tips & Tricks #1 – jump
  • Common Pain Points? – jump
  • OE Tips & Tricks #2 – jump
  • Emailing Benefit Elections? – jump
  • OE Tips & Tricks #3 – jump
  • Company Split, 2 Benefit Plans – jump
  • OE Tips & Tricks #4 – jump
  • Auto-extend into New Year – jump
  • OE Tips & Tricks #5 – jump
  • Brainstorm – jump
  • OE Tips & Tricks #6 to #10 – jump
  • Co-sponsors – jump
  • Quiz Kahoot – jump


Chat Messages

CP = Chat Participant, numbered 01 to 28
CP01 = F
CP02 = Teri
CP03 = Becky
CP04 = Mark
CP05 = Donna
CP06 = Samantha
CP07 = Nate
CP08 = Lynette
CP09 = Ashley
CP10 = Lisa
CP11 = Liz
CP12 = Marcie
CP13 = Mallory
CP14 = Gail
CP15 = Anjana
CP16 = April
CP17 = Kaama
CP18 = Amber
CP19 = Pamela
CP20 = Cait
CP21 = Natalie
CP22 = Karen
CP23 = Kelley
CP24 = K
CP25 = Tommy
CP26 = Charlynn
CP27 = Bob
CP28 = Veronica
(00:29:51) CP01 >>We only close open enrollment once
(00:30:10) CP02 >>we also only close once
(00:30:37) CP03 >>We close OE once at the end of the enrollment period and then periodically thereafter as OE events are newly triggered for new hires or backdated life events
(00:30:51) CP04 >>If you use coordination of events some people’s OE deadline may be later. E.g. someone has a life event just before OE ends, they get additional time to reselect based on their new eligibility
(00:31:05) CP05 >>2  we close and finalize frequently because new hires have to complete the hire event first, then open enrollment event opens for them.  we have to close and finalize again for each hire that has the oe  event
(00:31:18) CP06 >>What do you do with the Plan Mapping from a prior year. Do you remove the plan mappings or leave them in for future OEs?
(00:31:24) CP07 >>same here like CP03
(00:31:36) CP05 >>we use plan mappings if they are still applicable
(00:32:01) CP08 >>We close and finalize multiple times due to coordination of events and new hires
(00:32:09) CP09 >>We close and finalize almost daily once the OE period is over! We do this through January/February since other events (change job ex) can re-open OE if retroed
(00:32:38) CP10 >>­­­++ to CP09 and CP05 – we continually close due to the same reasons
(00:32:39) CP11 >>we close OE on a certain day then finalize, but have to close and finalize several times after that day. For OE events that get opened again for benefit events that are effective before the OE effective date.
(00:32:43) CP12 >>We close/finalize weekly because of new hires and coordination of events. We usually do this into February or March.
(00:32:46) CP01 >>We do not send benefit elections by email, but do send postal mail hard-copy to the employees home address.
(00:33:13) CP01 >>They then have a period of time to appeal their need for a change.
(00:33:49) CP13 >>You have to keep closing and finalizing open enrollment, because when new benefit events are added to Workday that precede the effective date of Open Enrollment this will cause Open Enrollment to reprocess. This gives the employee a new Submit By Date for Open Enrollment. We are still closing and finalizing OE events for our 1/1/2020 Open Enrollment, because HR is still backdating job changes with effective dates in 2019. If you do not close and finalize these events it will not update on the worker profile and could negatively effect what
(00:34:05) CP14 >>We are this year looking at creating a third tier for our rates.  We currently have a two rate tier from employee 0 – 120k and 121-unlimited salary, but we want to add a lower rate tier this year.  What is the best way to go about it?
(00:34:17) CP01 >>Ours is a custom report with a BIRT layout, but we are looking forward to when Workday will allow this natively (mass printing)
(00:34:27) CP05 >>I think there is a bp notification sent once the ee submits oe enrollment.  We don’t send upon finalization
(00:35:37) CP15 >>Can we introduce a new benefit provider after OE is closed? Our OE closes first week of November, we are in talks to change our disability and life vendor. What happens if we decide to change the vendor after OE is closed?
(00:36:11) CP09 >>@CP15 – you could potentially run another passive OE to make this happen
(00:36:52) CP15 >>That’s good to know. Thanks CP09
(00:37:50) CP16 >>RE: Boomerang after Merit
You should be able to run the boomerang manually after merit is completed depending on that data source report. Otherwise create essentially the same report and copy your boomerang to link it to the same report. (We often have changes after merit ends so it’s convenient to have it manually after merit has been closed for a bit, but you should be able to use the framework from your existing boomerang
(00:37:53) CP11 >> You can create two different benefit plans for two companies by eligibility rules.
(00:37:58) CP17 >>Can they be put in different benefit groups
(00:38:57) CP06 >>You can create multiple Companies and create different Benefits and eligibility based on those companies. You can also use different benefit groups.
(00:42:44) CP18 >>CP16, we are in the same boat and are very interested in any solutions!
(00:42:50) CP09 >>Same!
(00:42:52) CP03 >>We have people on severance in a separate group and have the benefit group go through an OE.  This then ensures that any plan changes are applied in addition to rate changes.
(00:43:31) Chitra >>CP16, our termination date is the last day of the severance, they are active in workday which keeps them eligible for benefits
(00:43:32) CP18 >>CP03, are the people in your severance group terminated or on a leave?
(00:43:58) CP03 >>terminated
(00:44:00) CP13 >>We have this same issue. We’ve found if the plan ends at the end of each plan year (usually Medical plans), then they will end at the end of the plan year instead of their Severance Date in the new plan year, because Terminated employees cannot be part of Open Enrollment. Our plans however in the Ongoing plan year definition will extend until the severance date even if it crosses plan years. Our Benefits Partners update the vendor manually for any plans that are not able to be extended into the new plan year. We use the Term with Benefits reports to catch any cross plan year severance dates for medical.
(00:46:04) CP18 >>CP13, this is super helpful! We struggle mainly with our medical plans as well and our current solution is to work with the vendors outside of Workday to maintain the severance population’s coverage until their severance date.
(00:46:53) CP19 >>Possible solution: Change the loss of coverage tab > Enrollment event type: Termination – update the grade period to the number of days
(00:46:54) CP11 >>off of our Benefit change of termination event there is an option to extended coverage to date.
(00:47:36) CP01 >>Updating period schedules is much easier in 2020-R2 because you can remove the need for an EIB load.
(00:48:35) CP18 >>We extend their benefits coverage to their severance end date, however if the severance coverage crosses years, the coverage is dropped in Workday
(00:50:41) CP19 >>Can you add a validation rule to the bp: change benefits for open enrollment?   Goal – require employees review their contact information
(00:51:29) CP20 >>Hey CP19 we have a to-do on our open enrollment bp that has employees review their home contact info
(00:53:32) CP06 >>If you Cancel an employee’s OE event on accident can you open another OE event for them?
(00:53:55) CP19 >>@CP20- will the to-do step require email & phone number?
(00:54:17) CP21 >>I believe you would be able to Add them to the OE from the Status report if they are eligible.
(00:54:40) CP06 >>@CP21 thank you.
(00:56:26) CP03 >>For people new to the workday open enrollment, workday publishes a checklist each year which is a good summary of the steps to consider when setting up OE.  Search for Open Enrollment Checklist in community and find the checklist for 2021
(00:56:49) CP03 >>The checklist will be published annually in Sept or so
(00:57:52) CP20 >>CP19 – If they open the contact task it will have the normal validation for that bp (change home contact). The trick is they have to open the to-do the take action. They also have to submit the inbox to-do
(00:58:33) CP08 >>We ran into a problem with using the Submit By Date, any insight if Workday is going to allow an override on the Submit By Date?
(00:59:07) CP18 >>@CP06 -you should be able to run the “Eligible workers with no Open Enrollment” report
(00:59:22) CP19 >>@CP20 – Thank you!
(00:59:53) CP06 >>@CP18 Thank you.
(00:59:53) CP22 >>testing approach – what is best way to test
(01:00:49) CP22 >>we currently are using the smallest benefit groups but want to test across benefits groups without scheduling all
(01:00:56) CP03 >>@CP22 – launch an open enrollment and run through the enrollment, close and finalize and then run reports or integrations to confirm new enrollments are as they should be.
(01:01:10) CP23 >>when testing with multiple benefit groups, I suggest launching OE for all groups but then just picking a subset of each one for testing purposes depending on what you’re looking for
(01:01:55) CP22 >>so – need to launch for all and select our test population
(01:08:35) CP24 >>GREAT SHOW!!!!   Thank You!
(01:08:53) CP25 >>how do we get a copy of the PPT presentation?
(01:08:59) CP26 >>REALLY great show- thanks!
(01:09:10) CP21 >>Awesome show.  Thank you for this just in time show!!!
(01:09:25) CP27 >>Thank you for a great show!!
(01:09:54) CP28 >>Thanks guys