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This comes from one of the participants of the OX Networking session…

We were participants in the Sharing Show a number of weeks ago. There was a request for me to share the template we use for our Workday migrations at our company. This is a very simple template used by our developers and change management team to coordinate all the steps necessary for a successful migration. I was able to get permission share this example with all of you. Hopefully you find it helpful.  Please let me know if you have any questions about it and how we use it for our teams.   Just as a reminder we were all participant in the OX (Object Transporter) breakout session with Animesh. Animesh shared some useful tips and information to utilize the Object Transporter tool that Workday supplies.

Here are a few highlights or notes about the template and our use of it:

  • The template is very simple but covers all the key components and steps that you would need for someone else to migrate your changes from one tenant to another in Workday
  • Developers fill out the information as making changes to an integration, report or other object that you could migrate with OX
  • We use Jira to track all our issues so the WDAY-2230 is just a Jira issue number reference
  • We also use Confluence for documents and such related to our systems, integrations, other technical reference docs and al our migration documents for the change management team
  • All of these migration templates are linked to the related Jira issue.
    • This is really nice to tie all this information together for auditors, developers, testers/business analysts, and change management
    • Confluence allows you to link documents to Jira issues so the links are created in Jira and in Confluence to be able to see information in both systems

Thanks for the discussion and for sharing in that meeting.


  1. Jira Issue:  WDAY-2230

  2. Source Tenant: Sandbox

  3. Target Tenant: Production

  4. Security Instructions:
    Security User (CREATE/NA): ISU_INT073b_EIB_Localhealth_Employee_Outbound
    Security Group (CREATE/EDIT/NA): ISSG_INT073b_EIB_Localhealth_Employee_Outbound
    Report/Task Permissions Modify (ADD/REMOVE/NA): Custom Report Creation, Integration Event, Integration Process
    Report/Task Permissions View (ADD/REMOVE/NA): Custom Report Administration, Manage: All Custom Reports

    Integration Permissions Put (ADD/REMOVE/NA): Integration Event, Integration Process

    Integration Permissions Get (ADD/REMOVE/NA): Person Data: Date of Birth, Person Data: Government IDs, Person Data: Home Address, Worker Data: Active and Terminated Workers, Worker Data: Current Staffing Information, Worker Data: Worker ID
    Run “Activate Pending Security Policy Changes” Task.

  5. Objects to Migrate:
    Integration: INT073b_EIB_Streamline_Employee_Compliance_Outbound

  6. Objects Automatically Migrated (no need to manually migrate):
    Report: CR_INT073b_EIB_Streamline_Employee_Compliance_Outbound

  7. Change to Studio project required? If yes, explain below:

  8. Please specify below if any other special instructions (explicit validation instructions):
    “INT073b_EIB_Streamline_Employee_Compliance_Outbound” will require multiple migrations to be successful.
    Ensure report “CR_INT073b_EIB_Streamline_Employee_Compliance_Outbound” is owned by “ISU_INT073b_EIB_Streamline_Employee_Compliance_Outbound” in Target Tenant.
    Ensure there are no errors with report “CR_INT073b_EIB_Streamline_Employee_Compliance_Outbound” in Target Tenant.
    Edit report “CR_INT073b_EIB_Streamline_Employee_Compliance_Outbound” to “Don’t share report definition” in Target Tenant.
    Add “ISU_INT073b_EIB_Streamline_Employee_Compliance_Outbound” as Workday Account for integration “INT073b_EIB_Streamline_Employee_Compliance_Outbound” in Target Tenant.
    Jeff will validate in Target Tenant.

    Developer Contact Information:
    Name: Daisy Duck
    Phone # – Business hours: 801-xxx-xxxx
    After business hours: 801-xxx-xxxx